

G#Have you seen the D#7little piggies
G#crawling in the D#dirt
G#and for all the D#7little piggies
Fmlife is getting Bworse
Fm7always having B7dirt to D#play Fm7around F#dimin.  D#  G#  D#  G#  D# 
Have you seen the bigger piggies
in their starched white shirts
you will find the bigger piggies
stirring up the dirt
always have clean shirts to play around in.
BmIn their styes with C7all their backing
C#they don't care what D#goes on around
Bmin their eyes there's C7something lacking
C#what they need's a D#damn good D#7whacking.
Everywhere there's lots of piggies
living piggy lives
you can see them out for dinner
with their piggy wives
clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon.
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:10.53+00:00
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