Bohemian Rhapsody
Is this real life Is the just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality. |
D#mOpen your eyes Look Gup to the skies and seHe Cm(7) F I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy Geasy Gcome, eFays Ggo, lGittle Ghigh, Flittle Glow (bass enters) HAny way the winG/Bd blows, doeAdimsn't realy matterC#7/G# to me C#7/H to me.G GMama just killed D#ma man put a gG#mun against his head, pulled my tG#m7rigger, now he's deC#ad GMama life had juD#mst begun, but noG#mw I've gone and tD#+5/Ghrown itH/G all awayFdim HMama G/BOooo didn't meC#man to makeG#/C youE/H cry, Bdimif I'm nGot back agaiG6n thisG7 time tomarHrow, Carry G/Bon, carrG#my on as if nothEming really maHtters.E/H H G#dim G7sus4b9 G Too late, my time has cD#mome Sent sG#mhivers down my spine, G#m7body's achin' all the timC#e, GGoodbye everybody, I've D#mgot to go, Gotta leG#mave you all behiD#+5/Gnd and facH/Ge the tFdimruth.Emaj7 H/D# HMama OG/Boo G#m I C#mdon't wanG#/Ct toE/H die, BdimI someGtimes wish IG6'd never beenG7 born at all. (guitar solo) |
B/FI seFe Fdim a littleF silhoueB/Ftto oFf a Fdimman FScarmoB/Fuch FScarmB/Fouch F will youFdim do the F faB/FndangFo? A/EThunder Ebolts anA/Ed lightEening vG#/D#ery very fC7rightening Fme N.C. Galileo Galileo Galileo Galileofigaro Mangnifico oh oh oh GI'm Gjust a pFoor Gboy GnobodGy loFves Gme E/HHe's juHst a Hdimpoor Hboy, E/Hfrom a H poorHdim familyH Espare him his lifH/D#e from this mC#7onstrositGy E/H H G#dim G7sus4b9 |
GEasy cGome eaFsy gGo wiGll you let G me go?Gdim BG5ismilHlahG5 NHO, Gsus4 we wilGl not Gsus4 let youG go Let him go GBismHillGah we will Gsus4 not leGt Gsus4you goG Let him go GbismHillGah we will Gsus4 not leGt Gsus4you goG Let me go Gsus4will nGot Gsus4 let yGou go let me go Gsus4will nGot Gsus4 let yGou go let me go oh oh oh oh oh A5 D Db Gb Bb5 Eb5 Eb Ab Eb N.C. Bb no no no no no no no Oh mamamia mamamia mamamia let me go BeHelzebuEb has a B7 devil put asD#mide for mG5e for me for me |
G#mNothing really maD#mtters, anG#myone can sD#mee Cm AbM Ab/Bb Eb Ab/Eb Eb nothing raelly matters, nothing really matters to me Ebdim Bb/D Dbmaj13 C Dbdim C F |
GAny wayC# the wiC#dimnd bloG#7sus4ws C# |
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Datum vytvoření :2014-02-02T20:16:11.866+00:00
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