Joan Baez
1: | StGewball was a good horse he wEmore his head hAmigh and the mane on his fDoretop was fine as silk thrGeadC. D |
2: | I rode him in England I rode him in Spain and I never did lose boys I always did gain. |
3: | So come all you gamblers wherever you are and don't bet your money on that little grey mare. |
4: | Most likely she'll stumble most likely she'll fall but never you'll lose boys on my noble Stewball. |
5: | As they were a-riding 'bout halfway round that grey mare she stumbled and fell on the ground. |
6: | And way out yonder ahead of them all came a-prancing and a-dancing my noble Stewball. |
7: | Stewball was a race horse and by the day he was mine he never drank water he always drank wine. |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:09.915+00:00
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