Super Trouper
Super trouper beams are gonna blind me But I won't feel blue, like I always do 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you D Hm Em A7 |
DI was sick and tired of emi everything When I Gcalled you last night from AGlasgow DAll I do is eat and sleep and emi sing Wishing Gevery show was the Alast show ( wishing every show was the last show ) GSo imagine I was Dglad to hear you're coming ( glad to hear you're coming ) GSuddenly I feel all Dright ( and suddenly it's gonna be ) GAnd it's gonna be so Ddifferent When I'm on the stage Atonight A7 Tonight the Dsuper trouper lights are gonna find me Shining like the Asun ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) EmSmiling having Afun ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) A7Feeling like a number Done Tonight the Dsuper trouper beams are gonna blind me But I won't feel Ablue ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) EmLike I always Ado ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) A7'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's C you D Hm Em A7 |
DFacing twenty thousand of your emi friends How can Ganyone be so A lonely DPart of a success that never emi ends Still I'm Gthinking about you Aonly ( still I'm thinking about you only ) GThere are moments when I Dthink I'm going crazy ( think I'm going crazy ) GBut it's gonna be Dalright ( you'll soon be changing everything ) GEverything will be so D different When I'm on the stage Atonight A7 Tonight the Dsuper trouper lights are gonna find me Shining like the Asun ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) EmSmiling having Afun ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) A7Feeling like a number Done Tonight the Dsuper trouper beams are gonna blind me But I won't feel Ablue ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) EmLike I always Ado ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) A7'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's Dyou So I'll be Gthere, when you Hmarrive The sight of Emyou will prove Ato me I'm still Dalive And when you Atake me in your Garms And hold me Emtight H7 I Emknow it's gonna mean so much Atonight A7 Tonight the Dsuper trouper lights are gonna find me Shining like the Asun ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) Em Smiling having Afun ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) A7Feeling like a number Done Tonight the D super trouper beams are gonna blind me But I won't feel Ablue ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) EmLike I always Ado ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) A7'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's Dyou ( super trouper ) lights are gonna find me Shining like the Asun ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) Em Smiling having Afun ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) A7Feeling like a ( number Done ) Tonight the super trouper beams are gonna blind me But I won't feel blue ( sup-p-per troup-p-per ) Like I always do |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:09.848+00:00
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