At the Zoo
Simon + Garfunkel
Amaj7Someone told me it's all happeningA7 at the Zoo DI do belD7ieve it GI do bDelA7ieve it's true G D7 G H7 Em7 H7 Em G D7 G H7 Em7 H7 Em |
hm: | [hm][hm][hm] Hm7it's a lGight and tumble jEmourney frHm7om the GEast Side to the pHm7ark Em jHm7ust a fGine and fHmancy rEmamble to the ZHm7oo D D7 bGut you can take thH7e crEm7osstown bus Hm7if it's rGaining or H7it's cEmold Hm7and the Ganimals wH7ill lEmove it Hm7if you dA6o if you dEmo A6oo Emoo sAmaj7omethin' tells me it's all happening A7at the Zoo DI do belD7ieve it GI do bDelGmieve it's trHm7ue G D7 G H7 Em7 H7 Em G D7 G H7 Em7 H7 Em |
hm: | [hm][hm][hm] thD7e mGonkeys stand fH7or hEmonesty gHm7iraffGes are H7insincEm11ere Emand thHm7e Gelephants H7are kEmindly but thHm7ey're dDumbD7 Gorangutans H7are skEmeptical Hm7of chGanges in thH7eir cEmages and thHm7e zGookeeper H7is vEmery fond Hm7of rGumEm Hm7 zGebras are rH7eacEmtionariHm7es Gantelopes H7are mEmissionarHm7ies pGigeons plot H7in sEmecrecHm7y and hGamsters turn H7on frEmequently what a gGas! You gotta cEmome and see at the ZGooH7 Em at the ZGooH7 Em at the ZGooH7 Em at the ZGooH7 Em at the ZGooH7 Em at the ZGooH7 ..Em. |
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Datum vytvoření :2014-02-02T20:08:05.612+00:00
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