Too Much Of Nothing
Peter, Paul & Mary
1: | TDoo much of nothin' can make a mGan feel ill at ease Aone man's temper might rise while the Gother man's temper might frDeeze in the days of long confessions we cGannot mock a soul when there's tAoo much of nothin' nGo one has contrDol. |
R: | SCay hello to VGalerie sDay hello to Marion sCend them all my sGalary on the wDaters of oblivion. |
2: | Too much of nothin' can make a man abuse a king he can walk the streets and boast like most but he don't know a thing it's all been done before it's all been written in the book but when it's too much of nothin' nobody should look. |
3: | Too much of nothin' can turn a man into a liar it can cause some man to sleep on nails the other man to eat fire everybody's doin' somethin' I heard it in a dream but when it's too much of nothin' it just makes a fella mean. |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:09.335+00:00
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