Jesus Met the Woman
Peter, Paul & Mary
1: | JAesus met the woman at the well JDesus met the woman at the wAell Jesus met the woman at the wC#ellF#m And he tHold her everything she'd ever dE4susone. E |
2: | He said:"Woman woman where is your husband?" he said:"Woman woman where is your husband?" he said:"Woman woman where is your husband?" "I know everything you've ever done." |
3: | She said:"Jesus Jesus I ain't got no husband" she said:"Jesus Jesus I ain't got no husband" she said:"Jesus Jesus I ain't got no husband" "and you don't know everything I've ever done." |
4: | He said:"Woman woman you've got five husbands" he said:"Woman woman you've got five husbands" he said:"Woman woman you've got five husbands" "and the one you have now he's not your own." |
5: | She said:"This man this man he must be a prophet" she said:"This man this man he must be a prophet" she said:"This man this man he must be a prophet" "he done told me everything I've ever done." |
6: | =1. |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:09.7+00:00
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